1. Function:Beep,Vibration or Beep+Vibration.
2. How the product works:Remote control for dog training.
3. Scope of application:For small,medium or large dogs.
4. The equipment has energy-saving design and automatically self-protective mode.
5. Adjustable Black Nylon Collar.
6.The transmitter is on standby for more than 90 days.
Receiver extra long standby of more than 25 days.
7.Select to 1 to send instructions to dog 1 alone.
Select 2 to send instructions to dog 2 alone.
Select 1 and 2 to send commands to dog 1 and 2 at the same time.
8.Interior partitions can be controlled.
Bedroom to balcony can be controlled.
The outdoor distance is 600-900 meters.
e***r –
My dog likes to bark, but after wearing it, he is much more obedient than before. And sometimes when I am not at home, the product can be controlled remotely or in automatic mode, which saves worry and effort! In addition, the battery life is also good. It can be worn for several days after charging. One controller can control multiple dogs, so you don’t have to worry about noise when raising multiple dogs.
1***r –
The product will not hurt the dog after being applied to the pet’s skin. It has good sensitivity and the effect is also good. The customer service is really good, the response is very timely, and the operation explanation is also very detailed. This is my favorite product!
c***r –
This is my first week of using it. Overall, the appearance is very stylish. It can control two dogs at the same time, and the house will not be messed up by the dogs. It is also very quiet at night. Using the vibration mode is enough. The quality is very good!
М***ч –
можно управлять раздельно, а можно сразу обоими. есть возможность заглушить электровоздействие, регулируемая длинна электроштырьков годится для короткошорстных и длинношорстных собак.
А***r –
Супер для длинношерстных собак
m***r –
I bought a remote control and an automatic one, just to avoid not being able to use the automatic mode when I am not at home. I use the remote control mode at home. The product looks neat and high-end, it is worth recommending!
r***r –
Very useful, now the dog doesn’t bark anymore. I bought two sets at once. The boss was very enthusiastic and actively taught us how to use them. He also gave us a training clicker. Thank you very much.
B***e –
exactly as described, excellent quality really happy with both devices
Customer –
Радники Трампа обурились критикою Ілона Маска щодо проєкту Stargate вартістю $500 мільярдів, звинувативши мільярдера у зловживанні близьким доступом до президента та підриві урядових зусиль, повідомляє Politico. Сам Трамп відреагував спокійно, пояснивши випад особистим конфліктом між Маском і Альтманом. Раніше Маск публічно розкритикував ініціативу, заявивши що SoftBank має менше $10 мільярдів забезпеченого фінансування замість заявлених $500 мільярдів. Він також висміяв генерального директора OpenAI Сема Альтмана, який у відповідь закликав мільярдера ставити інтереси країни вище власних компаній.
J***d –
S***a –
works really well, I still have to try the distance and weatherproofing but so far it’s great! 💯
i***e –
All Good 👌 Thanks for the gift 🎁⭐️
Д***в –
very good quality