
Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $22.00.

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

Availability: 197 in stock

SKU 3256807450818678 Category
Navy blue
United States

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

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  4. NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

    We love pets, both cats, dogs, and other animals. As a pet supplies brand started in 2014, we are focusing on high-quality pet products and are committed to providing your pets with a healthier life and making your family happier. Every day, we bring our passion together to create something amazing: a place for our many best friends to be healthy, happy, and to keep those tails wagging!


Product Description

NPET Interactive Dog Educational IQ Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

How to play with the toy?

1. Twist off the toy lid.

2. Fill the food in the container and screw on the lid.

3. Guide the dog to use his paws or nose to turn the top food container.

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy
NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

NPET Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy

Easy to Clean

  1. Made of Non-toxic BPA-free material, safe and durable
  2. 100% waterproof
  3. Easy cleaning with clean water

Non-Slip Base

There are four non-slip pads at the bottom that are used to prevent the dog toy from moving easily.

Interactive Dog Toy

  1. Provides IQ stimulation to promote dogs’ brain development and IQ training.
  2. Improve the relationship with the dogs by rewarding them with treats he loves.
  3. Slow Feeding keeps dogs healthy.

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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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Hign-concerned Chemical


Is Smart Device


Toys Type

Interactive Toys


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